Persons under the age of 21 must appear in court regardless of the offense violation and should not proceed to pay online as this may result in suspension of your driver's license. Online and pay-by-phone payments may be made no later than 11:59 p.m. the day before court if your appearance is not required in court. If you missed this deadline you must appear in court on the date & time specified.

*Not all citations can be paid online and those cases you must appear before the judge.

To pay online you MUST read and agree to the following:

You have been issued a traffic citation or summons by the City of Tucker. The Municipal Court of the City of Tucker has established a Traffic Violations Bureau (TVB) to assist the public in disposing of minor traffic violations. Pursuant to order of the Tucker Municipal Court, a fine and fee schedule has been established according to the offense charged. When a person cited for a violation pays a fine and fee according to the schedule set up by the Tucker Municipal Court, that payment will be construed as an admission of guilt. A judgment of guilty shall be entered accordingly, ordering the case disposed of and settled.

The TVB is a voluntary program for the convenience of the public. Everyone charged with a traffic violation is entitled to all of the protections of the law, including binding the case over for a trial by jury, to be presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, representation by an attorney, and other rights which will be explained by the Judge on the day set on the citation. A person may appear on the date and time set on the citation and may still plead not guilty and request a bench trial, along with other options that will be explained by the Court.

If a person pays using the TVB, they give up all of those rights previously explained above. Further, a record of the case will be provided by the TVB to the Georgia Department of Driver's Services. In most cases, the disposition will result in the assessment of points against a person's license.

Note: 12 points within 2 years results in license suspension.

If you have any questions about the TVB procedure, your rights, or about the status of your license, you should determine the answers to those questions by consulting an attorney or otherwise, before using the TVB process.